
Posts Tagged ‘Carelessness’

Even in the midst of victory through repentance and calling upon God written about in 1 Samuel 4, I see so much ignorance about God and His ways. it is not the obvious foolishness that lost the ark to the Philistines (1) or the evil neglect and conduct of Eli and his sons (2), nor even the “everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (Judges 21:25) syndrome of the era between Joshua and Samuel. This is somewhat more subtle. Why is the ark at Abinadab’s house for 20 years and Israel pining after God rather than erecting the tabernacle and having the Levites install it there? I s Abinadab a Levite?

In our freedom in Christ and nonchalant worship and careless piety and overconfidence in our knowledge of God and our arrogance in “speaking things into existence”, what blessing, victory, and influence are we missing? What 1 Samuel 8 (3) scenario are we failing to avoid in our self-assurance and lack of seeking God’s counsel and following what He has already prescribed and warned about in His Word? (4)

  1. 1 Samuel 5
  2. 1 Samuel 2:22ff
  3. “Give us a king to judge us.” 1 Samuel 8:6
  4. Example: How the ark should be carried: Numbers 1:50, 2 Samuel 6:6-8, 1 Chronicles 15:2

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"But the things that proceed out of the mouth come from the heart…" Matthew 15:18


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