
Posts Tagged ‘Implications’

Even in the midst of victory through repentance and calling upon God written about in 1 Samuel 4, I see so much ignorance about God and His ways. it is not the obvious foolishness that lost the ark to the Philistines (1) or the evil neglect and conduct of Eli and his sons (2), nor even the “everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (Judges 21:25) syndrome of the era between Joshua and Samuel. This is somewhat more subtle. Why is the ark at Abinadab’s house for 20 years and Israel pining after God rather than erecting the tabernacle and having the Levites install it there? I s Abinadab a Levite?

In our freedom in Christ and nonchalant worship and careless piety and overconfidence in our knowledge of God and our arrogance in “speaking things into existence”, what blessing, victory, and influence are we missing? What 1 Samuel 8 (3) scenario are we failing to avoid in our self-assurance and lack of seeking God’s counsel and following what He has already prescribed and warned about in His Word? (4)

  1. 1 Samuel 5
  2. 1 Samuel 2:22ff
  3. “Give us a king to judge us.” 1 Samuel 8:6
  4. Example: How the ark should be carried: Numbers 1:50, 2 Samuel 6:6-8, 1 Chronicles 15:2

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I ran across a YouTube video that was well done and brought back years of memories:

Bach Little Fugue in G Minor/Flugelhorn Quartet

Here follows an expanded version of the comment I made concerning it.

“Bach organ fugues are the best. I got interested in these as a young teenager. Fugue in G Minor was one of my favorites for several reasons. It has a certain joy with melancholy undertones. The latter is probably the result of the minor key and the lilting, repetitive nature. These two characteristics, joy and melancholy matched my aspirations and personality as a young person. Secondly, I was introduced to the tune by my older brother who whistled it frequently. I dare say that by now I have whistled it more than him, because I did for many years, though only occasionally now. Thirdly, the pipe organ has both an awesome and eerie sound that brings out the full emotion of this tune. This brass rendition is very good. I realized after I had listened to all of it that the flugelhorn is brighter, less eerie, and smoother than the powerful, foreboding, staccato of the organ (1). I like both, but it also occurs to me that this flugelhorn quartet speaks more to my present personality. Music is far more than notes. Even renditions attempting to be identical in tempo and instrumentation may be far different in emotion and intensity. God has given us a great gift in music, which we should use as Bach did: “Soli Deo Gloria” (2)

  1. Bach – Fugue in G Minor BWV 578
  2. “To God alone, the glory”

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You know a metaphor to be a word picture, that is, words that bring to mind certain scenes or ideas. I was looking for a word whose definition is a picture that suggests words. Perhaps some of you wizened wordsmiths could help me out here and come up with the word. Unless and until that happens, I’m going to attempt to coin my second(1) word. Pictometaphor(2,3)- a picture or other visible art meant to suggest words. Now, you know we see these all of the time, but I don’t know if anyone has given it a name. And we say a picture is worth a thousand words, to which I say, of course, pictometaphor.

So, I want to try out my new word on you. I am making wedding rehearsal dinner decorations (That was a mouthful.). I am not really creative in this realm, so that the contrivance of my wife and I is a modified copy of things we liked online. It is in some respects simpler, and by me making it, much cheaper. But all that is not the point here, and I can’t give away too much before the dinner, so the pictures are limited. My point is for you to look at the following picture and write down pairs (in this case) of words that immediately come to mind. To see the quality of my pictometaphor, please don’t look at my answers until you have written down several pairs. It is totally fair and desirable to consider that this pictometaphor is in the context of an upcoming wedding. It needs context.


Before I give my answers, let me further comment on the quality of a pictometaphor. The picture, sewn cloth (in this case), statue, etc, should universally suggest the same words to all people. This might be too much to expect given different cultures, so perhaps, it should at least be universal within a given culture. Or perhaps it becomes a code word (code picture?), a sort of jargon joke for the initiated.

When I look at the picture above in the context of marriage, I immediately think male/female, strength/beauty, utility/luxury, mundane/special (plano/fancy?), daily/special event. How do your pairs fare? Do they align with mine, mean the same thing with different words, contradict at points? Share by commenting.

Now, I like extended metaphors, as long as they don’t verge on the ridiculous. So I have added some possible additional accoutrements to the decoration. (This is somewhat tongue in cheek, and my wife said that was not happening when I suggested it.) Make your list of pairs again and let me know how you did.


The selection of additional items colors(4) the connotations of the pictometaphor. Because I have selected two items that involve work or chores, the suggestion is not work versus play, but what kind of work. Probably for many of us, they suggest traditional gender roles. I am not going to apologize for that. I have hung up many clothes, particularly as a child, and my wife has helped me by hauling lumber and bags of concrete, but there are differences in our roles as male and female, and those have quite naturally and thankfully expressed themselves in our culture in nurturing and supporting ways. Much that is wrong with our society at present revolves around the abandonment of God ordained, given, and declared gender roles within the family, church, and society. Therefore, the first pair that came to my mind when seeing the nails and clothes pins was male/female. Also, I think home/job.

I could have directed the pictometaphor in a completely different direction by some simple change like replacing either the clothes pins or the nails with a few Lego bricks or a small doll. Then I would be driving the picture toward work/play, responsibility/privilege, chore/leisure, or even childhood/maturity depending on the exact toy I select.

I hope that you have enjoyed reading my comments and selecting your word pairs for the pictometaphor. The connotations of the pictometaphor need not be pairs, but the ideas must be ones that are widely understood. That is where culture and history and language come in. Language and art are at least partially an archive for culture and history. We should not revel in language and art changing so fast, because that blurs and eradicates much that can be learned and shared between generations. For instance, Western Culture has a rich language and art based on a biblical understanding. Many pieces of literature and art can not be understood in isolation from an understanding of the Bible. Of course, some want to rush the change, obliterate the references and understanding for the Bible given by language and art, and wholeheartedly reinterpret both, but that is a pictometaphor for another day.

1- The first word I tried to coin is “momentaneously”- circa 1995- used in response to impatient inquiry to mean you are high on my priority list and I will get to you with all speed as circumstances allow. Used in a sentence: “I will answer you momentaneously, but you are interrupting Jane at the moment.” For evidence of my coinage I site numerous classrooms full of students. Please spread the word since this may be my best possibility at fame. And, oh, by the way, don’t take me too seriously.

2- I considered iconometaphor, photometaphor, or imagometaphor, but each of these suggest connotations not in line with my definition, so I settled on pictometaphor.

3- “Hey, George.” What, Frank?” “How about photaphor or imaphor (or imagaphor) or iconaphor.” “Oh, Frank, that last one sounds good, but do you think people will understand what it means?” “George, the sound of a word can help the availability of its meaning, but ultimately, there is nothing like a clear and consistently used definition. ‘Is’ means ‘is’ even if some people say it ‘ain’t’.”

4- I am also partial to puns.

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Art, health, civilizations, photography, nature, books, recipes, etc.

Overflows from the Heart

"But the things that proceed out of the mouth come from the heart…" Matthew 15:18


Pointing to the One who made, saved, and sustains