
Posts Tagged ‘Memories’

Halfway through high school I took up backpacking with my older brother’s friend. We hiked quite regularly all through my senior year of high school, 4 years of college, and for a few years declining frequency into my marriage. Most of our trips were one, two, or three nights. Though we always intended to go longer, we never did go longer than 6 nights. Even so, two nights is enough to clear your head and your lungs. Carrying a pack weighing between 30 and 45 pounds up and down steep grades is challenging. Our packs tended to be on the heavier side because we preferred to hike in winter and carry our own tent. We could have cut a few pounds, but equipment was not as light then as now. I have spent many years and many miles day hiking since my 20’s but very few nights out since then. After our backpacking days, our families spent some time together camping and visiting for nearly a decade but various things in our lives over the years drew us apart.

Today the business I work for was shut down for snow. I arose late and had a leisurely day about the house with my wife, only going out for an afternoon walk in the snow. Midmorning I received a message from my old backpacking buddy. He sent a picture of three fresh faced young men in full gear at the beginning of the trail smiling for our pre-trail photo. Check it out at “Old Backpacking Memories.”

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I ran across a YouTube video that was well done and brought back years of memories:

Bach Little Fugue in G Minor/Flugelhorn Quartet

Here follows an expanded version of the comment I made concerning it.

“Bach organ fugues are the best. I got interested in these as a young teenager. Fugue in G Minor was one of my favorites for several reasons. It has a certain joy with melancholy undertones. The latter is probably the result of the minor key and the lilting, repetitive nature. These two characteristics, joy and melancholy matched my aspirations and personality as a young person. Secondly, I was introduced to the tune by my older brother who whistled it frequently. I dare say that by now I have whistled it more than him, because I did for many years, though only occasionally now. Thirdly, the pipe organ has both an awesome and eerie sound that brings out the full emotion of this tune. This brass rendition is very good. I realized after I had listened to all of it that the flugelhorn is brighter, less eerie, and smoother than the powerful, foreboding, staccato of the organ (1). I like both, but it also occurs to me that this flugelhorn quartet speaks more to my present personality. Music is far more than notes. Even renditions attempting to be identical in tempo and instrumentation may be far different in emotion and intensity. God has given us a great gift in music, which we should use as Bach did: “Soli Deo Gloria” (2)

  1. Bach – Fugue in G Minor BWV 578
  2. “To God alone, the glory”

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Overflows from the Heart

"But the things that proceed out of the mouth come from the heart…" Matthew 15:18


Pointing to the One who made, saved, and sustains